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Overview of the System

Kiyojute Ryu is a complete martial art. Nine arts compose the complete course of study in Kiyojute Ryu: Shogei Toitsu Kempo, Juho Kempo Jujutsu, Aikiho Kempo Aikijujutsu, Goho Kempo Karate, Shuho Kempo Toidejutsu, Nimpo Kempo Kobujutsu, Shimpo Kempo Karatejutsu, Bukiho Kempo Kobujutsu, and Tsung Shih Tai Chi Chuan.

Shogei Toitsu Kempo is the central art; it represents the art practiced by the warrior monks, and as such all types of skills are taught. A student practicing Kempo will have developed the basics skills of Karate, Jujutsu, and weapon use by the time he reaches first degree black belt. Advanced training in these principles will follow in the higher black belt degrees and in the practice of the eight auxiliary arts.

Goho Kempo Karate, simply called Karate within the system, represents the striking art of Okinawa. Go (strength) is the ruling principle of this art, and every possible method of percussively striking with the human body is explored. It provides the ability to strike with incredible power, as well as excellent muscular development and increased flexibility.

Juho Kempo Jujutsu, or simply Jujutsu, is the art of the Japanese foot soldier; clothed in light armor and sometimes bare-legged, the ashigaru (foot soldier) was skilled in using sweeps, hip blocks and reaps to cast the opponent to the earth. This is the art preserved in Jujutsu—an expansive list of throws is taught, teaching the student a plethora of methods to cast down an attacker. Techniques of pinning, locking and choking are also taught in this art.

Aikiho Kempo Jujutsu, or Aikijujutsu, is the art of the high level Japanese warrior. The bulky armor worn by these fighters precluded the use of many of the body throws of jujutsu. Thus, the bushi would use armor clashing throws and a wide array of joint locks to defeat his opponent. This is the art taught in aikiho. By blending with the attackers energy, the aikiho adept may turn the opponents energy back on them effectively locking or throwing the aggressor.

Tsung Shih Tai Chi Chuan is the next of the Kiyojute Ryu arts. While the previous auxiliaries represent the kempo of Japan and Okinawa, the art of tai chi opens the richness of the Chinese martial arts to the Kiyojute Ryu practitioner. Focusing on the internal side of the martial arts, the study of tai chi connects the kempoka to the Chinese root through which the martial arts came to Japan and Okinawa. In pondering the depths of this internal art, the Kiyojute Ryu student is truly a disciple of the fullness of the Asian martial arts.

Nimpo Kempo Kobujutsu, or Nimpo, teaches the art of patience developed by monks to gather information about those that would harm them. Due to the negative connotations attached to the word ‘ninja,’ who were more assassins than men of the spirit, the term ninjutsu is typically avoided. In nimpo students learn a wide range of skills from advanced dodging strategies to bone cracking to combat swimming. It is in the nimpo that the high level esoteric skills are taught, along with the very earthy skills of stealth entering, stealth escape, and disguise.

Shimpo Kempo Karatejutsu, or Shimpo, offers a Chinese approach to the external arts. Typical methods of karate striking are explored, but this is done through the lens of animal movements and distinctly Chinese modes of power development. Additionally, the art of White Crane Kempo is deeply explored, along with extremely rare and unique White Crane forms of grappling.

Shuho Kempo Toidejutsu represents the royal family martial art of Okinawa. The final art that is studied in Kiyojute Ryu, one must possess black belts in kempo, karate, jujutsu, and aikijujutsu prior to beginning the study of shuho. It takes the techniques of the striking curriculum and interprets them as throws, locks, and chokes. A highly evolved art possessed of truly infinite technique, the shuho is an art of incredible sophistication.

Bukiho Kempo Kobujutsu is the final art of the system. All true martial arts originally focused mainly on weaponry; if you were going to the battlefield, you would not do so unarmed. A wide variety of typical oriental weapons are studied. In learning how to manipulate weapons of various shape, size, and configuration (sticks, swords, ropes, throwing knives), the student gains the extremely combat effective ability to use any number of everyday objects as weapons. Such talent can be a great equalizer in battles against multiple opponents.

Goshinjutsu is the tenth art of Kiyojute Ryu. While all training in kempo and its constituent arts is training in self defense, we recognize that not everyone will enter into a dojo and train for years. To this end, goshinjutsu is designed to be a comparatively brief program of study where interested individuals learn about making safe choices in public, the psychology of defense and attack, and essential skills for dealing with common grabs, attacks, and weapons. Of course, it is hoped that this introductory course will entice the student to enter into formal training in the dojo.

© 2018 by Shane Pruitt

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